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10 quotes from Customer Service leaders on the Customer Experience

97% of consumers consider the quality of customer service as an important criterion in choosing a brand. The customer experience is becoming an important pillar of differentiation and more and more companies now understand that every customer interaction counts. We have put together for you 10 quotes from leaders in customer relations that will encourage you to develop a culture that is more centered around the customer.

Seth Godin, bestselling author and founder of altMBA

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon

Walt Disney, founder of Walt Disney

Sam Walton, founder of Walmart

Bob Hooey, award winning author

Steve Cannon, founder of A Gathering of the Tribes

Clare Muscutt, founder of CMXperience

Marlene Blaszczyk, founder of Motivating Moments

Jes Kirkwood, Marketing Strategy consultant

Gene Caballero, award winning author

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